On this webpage, a download is available with example scripts. This zipped file contains example LUA scripts and wil be updated on a regular basis.
Various downloads of script examples are available as zipped files and are classified in folders as shown below. After your download, unzip the file and put them in a folder on your PC or MAC. Some scripts contain a line as follows:
MY_PATH=string.format('/Users/mariovanhoucke/Documenten van Mario/Lua Scripts/tutorial/')
You should update the scripts by adding your path between the brackets.
Download the examples here. (zipped, last update: May 04, 2015),
Currently, the zipped file contains the following example scripts:
Unlike the book "Measuring Time", the topics described in the book "Dynamic Scheduling" are much more diverse and hold the middle between tools and techniques well-known and used in practice (such as resource-constrained project scheduling with the time objective, schedule risk analysis and project control using Earned Value Management) and new techniques coming from research that haven't found their way into many companies. Since P2 Engine is based on a commercial software tool ProTrack, much of the topics described in the book cannot be generated by P2 Engine (such as project scheduling with the net present value objective, or critical chain scheduling, ...). Therefore, the P2 Engine experiments of this book are restricted to resource-constrained project scheduling under the time minimization objective (parts of chapter 7). However, P2 Engine is an ideal tool to generate a lot of project management data that can later be used in another software tool (e.g. MS Excel) in order to make changes to the data or to test a novel idea. So P2 Engine is not restricted as long as you want to program a liitle bit in LUA to extend the generated data. The generation of PM data is one of the most important features of P2 Engine if it is used in a research environment.
The book "Integrated Project Management and Control" explains in detail all the calculations necessary to schedule a project, to analyse its risk and to control its performance using Earned Value Management. Unlike the two previous books, the focus of this book lies on the calculations behind all the techniques. Therefore, all calculations have been illustrated on three example projects with only 17 activities. These projects are called project_1.rcp, project_2.rcp and project_3.rcp, formatted in the well-known Patterson format and available when downloaded the zipped file.
As you know, P2 Engine can generate numbers from any distribution, whether it is an existing one, or one that you define yourself. Learn with a simple example how to generate data from a predefined distribution. The example shows the generation of numbers from both a triangular and normal distribution.